This project entailed the creation and integration of three different advertisements for three different social medias that are interconnected. I choose the concept of "plugging in" to connect my pieces and make it relevant to younger voters.

1% phone advertisement

Snapchat Story

Plug phone advertisement


Register phone advertisement

Instagram Story


voting sketches


voting moodboards
voting moodboards
voting moodboards


1% digital sketch
Plug digital sketch
Register digital sketch


1% phone advertisement

I came up with this design as I saw a sign very similar to it while I was cheering on my older brother at a marathon. That sign inspired me to make a more sophisticated advertisement to make young people go out and vote as they are almost always on Snapchat.

Plug phone advertisement

I was inspired to make this design after making my more neon mood board. I wanted to make a graphic interesting enough for people who are scrolling through Instagram to stop and read this. I choose these colors because I wanted viewers to know right away that this was more or less dealing with politics.

Register phone advertisement

I was inspired from my other pieces to make this design as I wanted it to relate to the other two that I had made. I chose to make this as young people are always getting reminder that their phone is running out of batters and it is an automatic response to just click the ok button at the bottom. I wanted to relate this to voting and have young people register just as easily as they click the ok button.